Rare and orphan diseases
Orphan diseases are those that have been identified and characterized, but that do not have an effective treatment such as Alzheimer's disease.
As already indicated, the neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, Sclerosis ...) are revealed by the presence of a pocket of parasites on the brain and the spinal cord. Parasites feed on the energies of these cells, eventually creating a degradation of it. They settle and feed on the energies of the brain globally. They do not attack one place more specifically than another. There will therefore be different physical reactions for each type of degradation. These reactions can be interpreted as different diseases. That is the reason why it is scientifically distinguished several types of Parkinson's diseases, according to the observed effects.
It is the same for "rare" diseases, everything depends on the parasite and what it degrades. There may be thousands of new rare diseases each year, since the same parasites can feed on one or another part of the physical body, and thus give rise to all sorts of new names to characterize each type of degradation ( even made by the same etheric parasite).
Not all diseases are directly caused by parasites. Some are due to DNA memories (predisposition of the previous 7 generations). Others are due to deformities or physiological errors of the birth DNA (cystic fibrosis ...). In Curotherapy, it is possible to perceive energetically the origin of each disease (including if it is an alteration of the DNA) and to rectify this problem by acting energetically on the matter.
For the Curotherapists there is no disease classified orphan or rare that can not be identified and reharmonized, to promote its cure.